Saturday Feb 17, 2024
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST
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February 17, 2024 | Living History Event: 1776 Winter at Ticonderoga
Join Fort Ticonderoga for an exciting one-day living history event on Saturday, February 17, 2024 and step into the early days of the American Revolution as soldiers at Ticonderoga sent vital supplies and soldiers to the American Army, clinging on tenuously to the siege of Quebec.
Highlighted programming throughout the day brings to life Fort Ticonderoga as a critical supply depot for the Northern Continental Army in February 1776. Meet the soldiers of 1776, linking the Northern Army from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, & New England and join them in cutting firewood or help assemble an ox sled alongside them as they await the next leg of their journey. Examine the unsung work of the women that served at Ticonderoga as they sew the bedding to house reinforcements for the ongoing campaign to the north. Tour officers’ quarters and the comforts within to discover the chains of correspondence that connected the Northern Department of the Continental Army together. Explore the process of proofing cannon, testing their breaking point double loads of shot and gunpowder. Watch oxen haul sleds heaped with edible essentials and see how General Phillip Schuyler used Lake Champlain as a frozen highway to feed the Continental Army in Canada, utilizing the sheer power of cattle.
“This living history event will dramatically portray Ticonderoga’s vital role within the entire Northern Department of the Continental Army and the links that knitted it together in common cause,” said Beth L. Hill, Fort Ticonderoga president and CEO. “Our commitment to bringing the dramatic and real story of our past to life through unforgettable programs at Fort Ticonderoga is an opportunity to share with our visitors the importance of this place in the founding of America.”
Appropriate footwear for undetermined winter weather conditions is highly recommended.
Experience this exciting living history event as part of Fort Ticonderoga’s new schedule of programs during Winter Quarters season. From now through April, visitors will be immersed in a more intimate wintertime experience at Fort Ticonderoga. From dramatic living history events, informative seminars, special programs, and hands-on historic trades workshops, guests will have the opportunity to explore Fort Ticonderoga during what was traditionally “Winter Quarters” for armies of the 18th century.
This event and all of Fort Ticonderoga Winter Quarters living history events are free to Ticonderoga Ambassador Pass holders and Fort Ticonderoga Members, with no reservations required. Tickets for the general public can be purchased online in advance at or upon arrival.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
94 Montcalm Street, Ticonderoga, NY 12883 – (518) 585-6619 –