Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce

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Park & Rec. Aide 1-5 (CSEA Union) For 2025 Season
Category: Skilled and Trades
Minimum Qualifications:Candidates must be at least 16 years of age.  Preference may be given to candidates 18 years of age with a valid driver’s license.Job Requirements/Duties:Must have dependable transportation and be able to work assigned shifts.  Must be punctual, reporting for work on time.  Shift work may be required when assigned to booth areas or shower building cleaning.Must refrain from ...read more
Phone:(518) 597-3257
Contact the Chamber
Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce
94 Montcalm Street, Suite 1
Ticonderoga, NY 12883

Phone: 518­-585-6619

Fax: 518­-585-9184

Office Hours

Monday through Friday

9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (April through October)

8:00 AM – 3:00 PM (November through March)

9:00 AM – Noon Saturdays, Memorial Day through Labor Day


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